

Consulting Agency

Our mission is to foster the prosperity of local economies by providing high-quality consulting services to organizations big and small across the United States.

Read Our Story

Our Story

Marketing is the least of it.

Acropolis Marketing was born when my husband and I realized small organizations didn't have access to good marketing.The year was 2017. We were halfway through our degrees at Penn, learning how to make companies like Coca-Cola and Facebook richer than they already were from the very professors who had cemented brands like theirs in decades prior and were putting out the latest marketing literature at the time.The conversations we heard during our lectures and seminars confirmed one thing to us, though: None of our peers and fellow students were using this knowledge to serve local small businesses and mom-and-pop shops. They were interning with huge conglomerates and taking job offers from multi-billion-dollar organizations where the marketing department alone got its own building.As the children of small business owners, we wanted to apply what we had learned differently — we wanted to make it sustainable to be a small business owner, rather than a risky dream.On July 17, 2017, we incorporated Acropolis Marketing Inc.At first it was just a side hustle we balanced alongside our full course load and later, our full-time jobs. We helped small businesses and entrepreneurs with everything from branding to operations — we empowered a startup director turned business coach to launch her own practice and gain clients of her own. We developed a free, unique SEO tuning algorithm for our e-commerce and digital clients. We conducted robust market research for e-learning clients, and so much more.At the same time, I was working in public relations and digital marketing, and my clients included nonprofits, government organizations, financial institutions, management consultants, local sports teams, and more. Jorge's career took him in a different direction — he was working at a bank.But we both realized something in our work with both small and large organizations.It isn't just small businesses that lack access to consulting services — it's every organization. And where there is a marketing gap, there is usually an operations gap, a tech infrastructure gap, a project management gap… You name it.These behind-the-scenes processes are seen as little luxuries, and organizations often put them on the backburner in a prudent move to minimize spending.Why wouldn't they? In an economy where anyone can say they know a skillset like marketing (even if they don't know what SEO stands for), it doesn't seem wise to hire Don Draper wannabes.Acropolis isn't just a marketing firm — we're consultants who address the fundamental issues within a business before going out and promoting that business. Our approach is inherently integrative.We started off as a marketing firm, but after years of experience we've realized…marketing is the least of it.

Our Philosophy

We're inspired by ancient and classical Greek thought in our approach to our work.



The Socratic Method

Engage in cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking, draw out ideas, and dive into underlying presuppositions.



Truth is not relative: Present data, findings, and analysis honestly, even if it doesn't paint the client or Acropolis in the best light.



Challenge conventional desires and needs agencies and clients may have.



Question every process, procedure, or "way" of doing things always.



Practice tabula rasa empiricism and do not rely on innate ideas or traditions to make decisions.

Phi, agathos, and hōraios

Golden Ratio, Goodness, Beauty

Strive to achieve perfect proportion, goodness, and timely beauty in all the work we produce.



What We Offer

We customize our services to suit your company's specific needs - whether that's an internal scheduling process that makes employees more productive, a local media relations strategy, or a brand-new website.

Browse Our Services


Delivering quality services to those that need it.

  • Consulting


    We won't tell you what you want to hear. This is the part where we roll up our sleeves and see how things are going so far. We measure performance, conduct research, and everything in between. Before anything is deployed, we take an integrative approach and prioritize the health of your business.

    • Operations
    • Project Management
    • Technological Infrastructure
    • Administration
    • Reporting
    • Research & Strategy
  • Advertising


    If you're going to spend money on ads, you want to make sure it's done right. We'll recommend creative, targeting, budgeting, and placement for your campaigns.

    • Print & Digital
    • Social Media
    • Google Ads
    • Copywriting
    • Campaign Management
  • Branding and Creative

    Branding & Creative

    First impressions are everything. Our designers will work with you to develop your brand's logo, colors, identity, voice, and style, and use that personality to create content for your brand.

    • Brand Identity
    • Logo Design
    • Iconography
    • Colors
    • Content Creation
  • Public Relations

    Public Relations

    Have you heard of the Submarine? You will. We leverage the experience of seasoned PR professionals to build brands, especially when advertising budgets are limited.

    • Media Relations
    • Pitching
    • Business Writing (Bylines, Press Releases, Speeches, Articles)
    • Brand Messaging
    • Speaking & Awards
  • Digital Marketing

    Digital Marketing

    “Digital”. The essential buzzword most agencies pretend to understand. We work with you to develop an integrated, multi-channel social media, search, and keyword strategy so that your business shows up in the right online spaces.

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    • Multi-channel social media, search, and keyword research
    • Strategy and planning
  • Website Development

    Website Development

    More than just a pretty theme. We work with you from start to finish on domain and hosting, website analytics, design, copywriting, SEO, and publishing to make sure your website is beautiful, results-oriented, and up to date with current technological standards.

    • Domain & Hosting
    • Website Analytics
    • Design
    • Publishing

Top-Tier Talent

Our training stems from prestigious institutions renowned for marketing and communications, namely the Wharton School and the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.Our professional background includes extensive experience collaborating with prominent firms located in Wall Street and Madison Avenue.Throughout our careers, we have had the opportunity to assist diverse clientele ranging from major public and private entities to small enterprises, influencers, and entrepreneurs.


Holistic Approach

We reject the traditional agency practices we acquired during our tenure at large corporations, as these practices proved dishonest and thwarting.Our unwavering dedication to crafting exclusive formulas, processes, and automation systems ensures our work consistently surpasses the industry standard.An emphasis on work-life balance and establishing healthy boundaries between our team and clients promotes stronger client-agency relationships.


We are proud of all our current and past clients.


Behind the scenes.

Valerie Toledo

Co-Founder and President

Valerie Toledo is the Co-Founder and President of Acropolis Marketing. With a background in public relations, marketing, and communication research, Valerie's visionary approach has shaped the comprehensive and academic methodology that Acropolis employs with its clients. She takes charge of the day-to-day operations, serving as a key liaison between clients, partners, and contractors. Valerie earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a minor in Consumer Psychology from the prestigious Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Jorge Martinez

Non-Participating Shareholder

Jorge Martinez is a non-participating shareholder of Acropolis Marketing, leveraging his programming and marketing knowledge to strategically invest in this company. His expertise and investment contributed to the company's growth and success, exemplifying the importance of specialized skills in passive investments. Jorge received his Bachelor of Science in Economics with a concentration in Business Analytics and Marketing from the renowned Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Business Essentials Accelerator - Morning Brew
Agency-Ready Certificate - PR Council
Project Management Certificate - Google
Certificated ANA Marketing Student - Association of National Advertisers